Chase ATM Error Code 3-da006(00): Help






Seeing a strange error code like “3 DA006” can be confusing and concerning when trying to use a Chase ATM. This code indicates there is some issue preventing the transaction from being completed as normal. But don’t worry – these errors are usually easy to resolve if you understand what causes them.

The most common reasons for the Chase ATM error code 3 DA006 are:

  • The ATM is temporarily out of service or cash
  • Your card is damaged or demagnetized
  • The card chip is damaged
  • Your PIN number is entered incorrectly
  • Your account has a hold or freeze

This error is essentially the ATM’s way of saying “I can’t give you cash right now, please try later or contact your bank.” While inconvenient, it’s typically an easy fix.

What is the Chase ATM Error Code 3-DA006?

The error code 3 DA006 is specific to Chase Bank ATMs in the United States. The “3” indicates it is a hardware or terminal issue, while the DA006 gives a more detailed error meaning of “EMV Chip Card Not Functioning”.

EMV stands for Europay, Mastercard and Visa – the companies which set the global standard for chip-enabled payment cards. So this points to some malfunction when the ATM attempts to interact with the chip on your debit or credit card.

Some key points about Chase error 3 DA006:

  • It appears on the ATM screen during a transaction attempt
  • Indicates the EMV chip cannot be read properly
  • Does not necessarily mean the chip is damaged, could be dirty or ATM needs maintenance
  • Prevents the transaction from being completed as normal

So if you see this on a Chase ATM, it means there is an issue with processing your chip card. But the good news is there are ways to get cash with some simple troubleshooting.

How to Fix the Chase ATM Error Code 3-DA006(00)

Don’t panic if you encounter Chase error code 3 DA006. There are several easy troubleshooting steps you can take to get your cash:

1. Try Again

The issue may be temporary, so simply retry the transaction. Reinsert your card fully and carefully, then re-enter your PIN.

2. Use a Different ATM

Find another nearby Chase ATM and test your card and PIN there. If it works, the first ATM likely needs maintenance.

3. Clean Card and Slot

Use a soft cloth to gently wipe clean the chip on your card and the slot on the ATM. Dust or debris can interfere with chip reading.

4. Insert Card Slowly

Place your card directly into the ATM slot and push it in smoothly but slowly. Quick or angled insertion may not allow the chip to be read.

5. Verify Card Works Elsewhere

Try using your debit or credit card for a small purchase at a store. If it processes normally, the issue is with the specific Chase ATM.

6. Contact Chase Customer Service

The Chase helpline can check your account and card status. They may be able to release any holds and can issue a replacement if your card is damaged.

With one of these steps, you should be able to successfully get cash from the ATM. But if the error persists across different ATMs over several days, have your card replaced by calling Chase.

Who Do I Contact About Chase ATM Error Code 3 DA006?

If you are unable to get cash after trying to troubleshoot, reach out directly to Chase customer service for help resolving the issue:

  • Call the Chase ATM Support line
  • Contact Chase via Secure Message in your online banking account
  • Visit your nearest Chase branch and speak to staff in-person

When you contact Chase, be ready to provide:

  • Your full account number
  • Name matching the account
  • Date, time and location of the ATM(s) showing error code
  • Any steps you already tried to resolve it

Chase support can then investigate, check your card and account status, and take steps like:

  • Releasing holds on your account preventing withdrawals
  • Issuing a replacement card if needed
  • Having ATM maintenance done if required

So do not hesitate to reach out to their customer service channels for assistance getting your ATM access back to normal.

Common Causes of Chase Error Code 3 DA006

There are a several potential reasons you may get the Chase ATM error code 3 DA006. Here are the most common causes to be aware of:

Out of Service ATM – The ATM may be emptied of cash or taken offline for maintenance. Try another nearby location.

Card Chip Damage – A scratched or malfunctioning EMV chip can prevent reading by the ATM. Get a replacement card.

Incorrect Card Insertion – Inserting too quickly or at an angle may not properly read. Reinsert fully and smoothly.

Expired Card – Check that your card expiry date has not passed, rendering your card invalid. Call Chase for a new card if needed.

PIN Errors – Typing an incorrect PIN multiple times can deactivate your card. Visit a branch to reset your PIN.

Account Holds or Freezes – Security holds from suspicious activity or account issues can block withdrawals until released.

Card Demagnetization – Exposure to magnetic fields can erase your card’s magnetic stripe data, preventing ATM usage.

So check for any of these situations if you encounter the error code. The problem is unlikely with the ATM itself and instead related to your card or account. But Chase customer support can diagnose and resolve it quickly.

Preventing Chase ATM Error Code 3 DA006

While Chase error code 3 DA006 can happen unexpectedly, there are ways to avoid it happening in the first place:

  • Keep your card in a separate pocket or protected area of your wallet to avoid scratches or demagnetization
  • Memorize your PIN and be careful when entering it to avoid lockouts from incorrect PINs
  • If your card is expired or damaged, request a replacement right away
  • Check your account status regularly and call Chase about any unusual holds or freezes
  • Only use reputable ATMs with proper maintenance to reduce errors
  • Insert smoothly and slowly when using ATMs to ensure the chip makes contact
  • Clean out your card slot in your wallet to avoid dust or debris on the chip
  • Sign up for Chase account alerts to be notified right away of any unusual activity

Following these best practices will help prevent Chase ATM issues down the road. But should error 3 DA006 pop up anyway, use the troubleshooting tips outlined here or contact customer service to get quick help resolving it.

What Are the Risks or Impacts of Chase Error Code 3 DA006?

When Chase ATM error code 3 DA006 appears, it can certainly be an inconvenience if you need cash quickly. However, there are no major financial risks or long-term impacts associated with this specific error:

  • It does not indicate any issue with your overall account status or funds access.
  • No fees or penalties result from seeing this error message.
  • It does not mean your account is frozen or compromised.
  • There is no need to contact the bank urgently or panic.
  • Your money is still fully safe and secure.

The only real risk is being unable to immediately complete a cash withdrawal transaction at that specific ATM. To avoid any major inconvenience:

  • Try other nearby ATMs to see if the issue persists
  • Carry a small amount of cash to cover you in case of ATM errors
  • Have a backup payment card from another provider like a credit card
  • Sign up for account alerts to stay on top of potential issues
  • Know Chase customer service channels to reach out for quick help when needed

So rest assured that Chase error code 3 DA006 is more of a nuisance than a cause for concern. With a few simple troubleshooting steps, you’ll typically be back up and running smoothly again in no time.


Seeing “Error 3 DA006” on a Chase ATM can catch you off guard. But this common error code simply indicates a temporary issue reading your card’s EMV chip – likely fixable with some quick troubleshooting on your end or assistance from Chase. So try not to stress. Instead use the tips provided here to get your ATM access working again promptly. With the right knowledge of how to respond, annoying Chase ATM error codes don’t need to ruin your day!

Pramod is a passionate financial writer with over 5 years of experience in simplifying complex financial concepts and providing unbiased and accurate information to help individuals make informed financial decisions.
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