Chase Bank Error Code rxp001: How to Fix






The rxp001 error indicates that there is an issue with the transaction data you are attempting to submit. Specifically, Chase is telling you that the information is invalid or missing altogether. This prevents the bank from being able to process your request.

What is the rxp001 Chase error code?

The rxp001 code is an error message from Chase Bank that means invalid or missing transaction data. It occurs when you are trying to make an online transaction, but required information like your account number, payment amount, or other details are incorrect or not entered.

This code indicates a problem on the user end in providing the necessary transaction specifics. It is not an error with Chase systems. The bank requires valid transaction data to be able to complete requests.

How to Fix the rxp001 Error from Chase Bank

If you encounter the rxp001 error when trying to make a Chase Bank transaction online, here are the steps to resolve it:

  • Double check all transaction information entered to ensure accuracy. Look for typos or blank fields.
  • Verify the account number, credit card number, or other ID entered matches your records exactly.
  • Check the payment amount requested matches the total due.
  • Re-enter any missing data like expiration date or security code.
  • If paying a bill, confirm the billing account number and payment amounts are correct.
  • Try processing the transaction again once all data is complete and accurate.

If you continue to receive the rxp001 error, contact Chase Bank customer service at for further troubleshooting assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I get the rxp001 error?

You receive this error when required transaction data is either wrong or missing when you attempt to make an online purchase, transfer, or payment with Chase Bank.

What information does Chase need for transactions?

Chase requires accurate account numbers, recipient details, amounts, expiration dates, and security codes to process payments. Leaving any required field blank or entering incorrect data results in the rxp001 error.

How can I avoid this error in the future?

Always double check that all transaction information is complete and accurate before submitting to Chase. Save payment details when possible to auto-populate fields. Take care when manually entering data.

What if I still can’t resolve the error?

If verifying all transaction data does not fix the rxp001 error, contact Chase customer service for further investigation and troubleshooting. They can look into your account and provide specialized support.

Pramod is a passionate financial writer with over 5 years of experience in simplifying complex financial concepts and providing unbiased and accurate information to help individuals make informed financial decisions.
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