HSBC Error Code 500: How to Fix






Error code 500 indicates an internal server error on HSBC’s end. It means that one of their servers failed to process your request properly. The issue is on HSBC’s system, not on your device or internet connection.

While annoying, HSBC error 500 can often be resolved relatively quickly. This guide will explain common reasons for the error, steps you can take to troubleshoot it, and when to seek assistance from HSBC’s customer support.

Key Takeaways:

  • Error 500 is an internal server error that prevents access to HSBC’s online banking
  • The problem stems from HSBC’s servers, not the user’s device or internet
  • Potential fixes include refreshing the page, clearing cache/cookies, trying another browser etc.
  • If the error persists for an extended time, contact HSBC customer support

What Causes HSBC Error Code 500?

HSBC has not provided specific details on what triggers the 500 error, but there are a few likely culprits:

Web Traffic Overload

Sometimes HSBC’s servers become overwhelmed with too many requests at once. During busy login times in the morning or evening, heavy traffic can strain their systems and cause errors. The 500 error serves as a general alert that their servers are overloaded.

Network Outages

Connectivity issues like internet outages, server downtime, or domain name system (DNS) failures can prevent HSBC’s servers from communicating properly. Since online banking relies on web access, network problems will lead to error 500.

Web Application Issues

Problems with HSBC’s web apps themselves may lead to error 500 messages. Bugs, configuration errors, or app crashes could all interfere with proper functioning. If the apps fail, so will your attempts to access them.

Maintenance and Updates

HSBC regularly performs maintenance and updates on their servers. During maintenance periods, you may encounter 500 errors if you try accessing their site. Scheduled downtime is necessary for improvements, so error 500 alerts you to this interruption.

No matter the specific trigger, just remember that HSBC error 500 means their systems are having technical difficulties on their end. There’s nothing wrong with your device or internet connection specifically.

Troubleshooting Methods to Fix HSBC Error 500

When HSBC error code 500 pops up, don’t panic. There are several troubleshooting steps you can take to try and resolve the problem yourself:

Refresh the Page

A quick first step is to refresh the browser page. Click the refresh icon or press F5. This essentially resends the request and resets the connection. A basic refresh can clear many simple, temporary errors.

Clear the Browser Cache and Cookies

Over time, corrupt data in your browser cache and cookies can cause problems loading websites. Clearing this data forces your browser to redownload a fresh copy of the site.

To clear the cache and cookies, access your browser’s settings:

  • Chrome: Settings > Privacy & Security > Clear Browsing Data
  • Firefox: Settings > Privacy & Security > Cookies and Site Data
  • Safari: Preferences > Privacy > Manage Website Data
  • Edge: Settings & More > Settings > Clear Browsing Data

Make sure to select the timeframe “All history” when clearing.

Try Another Browser

Certain browsers may have compatibility issues or bugs that interfere with HSBC’s site. Switching to a different browser bypasses these problems. Try Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari if your usual choice fails.

Check HSBC System Status

HSBC has a system status page that discloses any current outages:

This page will highlight any incidents HSBC is aware of. If there are no notices, the 500 error may be temporary. Keep trying over a few hours.

Test Your Internet Connection

To rule out problems on your end, run a speed test and confirm your internet connection is stable. Use a site like or to check speeds. Also try accessing other non-HSBC sites to ensure web browsing is generally working.

Use Cellular Data or Different Wifi

As another connectivity test, attempt accessing HSBC’s website using your mobile data plan instead of home WiFi. Or try another nearby WiFi network if available. This determines if the issue stems from your specific connection.

Contact HSBC Customer Support

If you still receive error 500 after trying these troubleshooting tips for an extended time, reach out to HSBC’s customer support for assistance. Call them or access live chat on their site. Provide error details and they can investigate further.

HSBC Phone Number: Call +44 345 740 4404

HSBC Live Chat: Available on their website during business hours

The HSBC helpdesk can confirm whether they are actively experiencing an outage and provide estimated resolution timelines. They may also reset your account or provide other individualized troubleshooting.

Preventing HSBC Error Code 500 in the Future

While you cannot control HSBC’s systems, there are a few precautions you can take to avoid error 500 occurrences:

Avoid Peak Times

Try to login and use online banking services during off-peak hours like early mornings, late nights, and weekends. High traffic volumes typically overload HSBC’s servers, so avoiding the crowds minimizes issues.

Bookmark the Login Page

Use a bookmarked link to HSBC’s login page rather than searching for it. This prevents you from landing on an outdated or broken page variant that causes 500 errors.

Install Updates Promptly

Keep your devices, browsers, apps, and operating systems updated promptly when patches are released. Updates often contain crucial security fixes and bug resolutions that prevent problems.

Use Strong Passwords

Weak HSBC account passwords make you more vulnerable to hackers that could overload servers and cause errors. Enable two-factor authentication as well for enhanced security.

Clear Cookies and Cache Routinely

Make periodically clearing your browser data a habit. A weekly or monthly purge refreshes your connection and minimizes tech issues.

Why Does Error Code 500 Happen?

HSBC error code 500 is frustrating, but it happens due to normal technological quirks. Complex networks with heavy traffic inevitably have occasional hiccups. Don’t take the error personally—HSBC’s systems are just having a momentary glitch.

With proper troubleshooting, you can often resolve 500 errors yourself within a short time. But if problems persist, HSBC’s customer support is ready to investigate and help restore proper functioning. Just stay calm and be patient; online access will return promptly in most cases.

Frequently Asked Questions About HSBC Error Code 500

What does HSBC error code 500 mean?

Error code 500 is a server error that prevents access to HSBC’s online banking services. It means one of HSBC’s internal servers has failed or is overloaded, disrupting communication. The problem originates from HSBC’s systems rather than anything on the user’s device.

How do I fix HSBC error code 500?

Try refreshing the browser page, clearing cookies/cache, switching browsers, checking HSBC’s system status, testing your internet connection, or using cellular data instead of WiFi. If the error continues, contact HSBC customer support for assistance troubleshooting.

Why am I getting HSBC error code 500?

Heavy traffic overloading HSBC’s servers, network outages, application issues, and maintenance downtime can all trigger a 500 error. The problem stems from HSBC’s end, not yours. It may also occur intermittently due to random technical glitches.

What can I do if I get HSBC error code 500?

You can try refreshing your browser, clearing cached data, trying other devices and browsers, checking system status pages, ensuring your internet works, or contacting HSBC support. The error is often temporary, so regularly retrying the site over some hours may work.

How long does it take to resolve HSBC error code 500?

There is no definitive timeline, since it depends on the underlying cause. Brief hiccups may resolve in under an hour. For larger outages, it could take a few hours or into the next day. If it persists over multiple days, contact HSBC support for help.

Who can I contact for help with HSBC error code 500?

If you cannot resolve error 500 yourself, reach out to HSBC’s customer support team by phone at +44 345 740 4404 or through live chat on their website during business hours. The HSBC helpdesk can troubleshoot the issue directly or provide status updates.


HSBC error code 500 can be annoying and disruptive when trying to access online banking. But with some focused troubleshooting and occasional help from customer support, these pesky server errors can typically be banished in short order. Pay attention to any outage notifications, and try tools like clearing cookies, switching devices, and testing connections to get your account working again.

Pramod is a passionate financial writer with over 5 years of experience in simplifying complex financial concepts and providing unbiased and accurate information to help individuals make informed financial decisions.
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