IRS Error Code 135: Causes and Solutions






IRS Error Code 135 can pose challenges for taxpayers during the filing process due to certain triggers and issues. These errors can disrupt the smooth progression of tax procedures and cause frustration for individuals and businesses alike. However, understanding the causes of IRS Error Code 135 and knowing the appropriate solutions can help alleviate these challenges and ensure a successful tax filing experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • IRS Error Code 135 can impede the tax filing process, causing inconvenience for taxpayers.
  • Common triggers of IRS Error Code 135 include data entry mistakes, invalid forms, and software glitches.
  • Resolving IRS Error Code 135 involves verifying data accuracy, double-checking form entries, and seeking professional assistance, if necessary.
  • Preventing IRS Error Code 135 requires careful data entry, using updated tax software, and reviewing forms before submission.
  • Additional troubleshooting tips and guidance can help address specific scenarios related to IRS Error Code 135.

Understanding IRS Error Code 135

IRS Error Code 135 is an error message generated by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) when certain issues arise during the tax filing process. It is important for taxpayers to understand the implications of this error code to effectively address and resolve any problems that may arise. This section provides an overview of IRS Error Code 135 and its significance to taxpayers.

When taxpayers encounter IRS Error Code 135, it indicates that there are specific errors or discrepancies in their tax filing. These errors could range from incorrect data entry to invalid or incomplete form submissions. It is crucial to identify the root cause of this error to ensure accurate tax reporting and avoid potential penalties or delays in receiving tax refunds.

Common scenarios where IRS Error Code 135 occurs include entering incorrect income or deduction amounts, omitting required forms, or using outdated tax software that may not be compatible with the current tax regulations. By understanding these common triggers, taxpayers can proactively take measures to prevent encountering this error in the future.

Key Points:

  1. IRS Error Code 135 is an error message generated by the IRS during the tax filing process.
  2. This error indicates specific errors or discrepancies in the tax filing.
  3. Common triggers for this error include incorrect data entry, incomplete or invalid form submissions, and outdated tax software.
Common Triggers of IRS Error Code 135
Incorrect income or deduction amounts entered
Omission of required forms
Use of outdated tax software

Causes of IRS Error Code 135

The IRS Error Code 135 can occur due to a range of causes, such as incorrect data input, submission of invalid forms, or software-related glitches. It is important to understand these causes in order to effectively resolve the error and prevent it from recurring. Here are some common factors that can trigger IRS Error Code 135:

  1. Data entry mistakes: When inputting tax-related information, even a small error such as a typo or transposed digits can result in IRS Error Code 135. It is crucial to double-check all data entries for accuracy before submitting your forms to the IRS.
  2. Invalid forms: Filling out forms incorrectly or using outdated or invalid forms can trigger IRS Error Code 135. Make sure to use the most up-to-date forms provided by the IRS and carefully follow the instructions to avoid any errors.
  3. Software issues: Using outdated or incompatible tax software can also lead to IRS Error Code 135. It is essential to regularly update your tax software to the latest version and ensure compatibility with the IRS systems. Additionally, if you encounter any glitches or errors while using the software, it is recommended to contact the software provider for assistance.

Additional factors:

In some cases, IRS Error Code 135 may be triggered by other factors specific to individual taxpayers’ situations. These can include missing or incomplete information, mismatched Social Security numbers, or discrepancies between the information reported on different forms. It is advisable to carefully review all tax documents and forms to ensure consistency and accuracy.

Resolving IRS Error Code 135 requires identifying the specific cause and taking appropriate corrective action. In the next section, we will explore effective solutions to resolve this error and prevent its occurrence in the future.

Causes of IRS Error Code 135 Solutions
Data entry mistakes Double-check all data entries for accuracy before submitting forms
Invalid forms Use the most up-to-date and valid IRS forms
Software issues Update tax software to the latest version and ensure compatibility

Resolving IRS Error Code 135

To address IRS Error Code 135, there are several actions you can take to resolve the underlying issues and successfully file your taxes. Follow these steps to fix IRS Error Code 135 and ensure a smooth tax process:

  1. Verify Data Accuracy: Double-check all the information you entered on your tax forms. Ensure that your personal details, financial data, and other relevant information are accurate and up-to-date. Errors in data entry can often trigger IRS Error Code 135.
  2. Review Form Entries: Carefully review each form you have completed before submission. Look for any incorrect or missing information that could lead to IRS Error Code 135. Correct any mistakes and make sure all required fields are properly filled.
  3. Seek Professional Assistance: If you are unsure how to fix IRS Error Code 135 or if the error persists despite your efforts, it may be beneficial to consult a tax professional. They can provide expert guidance and help resolve any complex issues that may be causing the error.

In addition to these steps, it is crucial to stay updated with the latest tax regulations and software updates. The IRS regularly releases new guidelines and updates to ensure accurate tax filing. By staying informed and using reliable tax software, you can minimize the chances of encountering IRS Error Code 135 in the future.

Error Code Cause Solution
IRS Error Code 135 Data entry mistakes or missing information on tax forms Double-check data accuracy and review form entries before submission. Seek professional assistance if needed.

Preventing IRS Error Code 135

By implementing preventive measures, you can minimize the chances of encountering IRS Error Code 135 and ensure a smoother tax filing process. Here are some proactive steps you can take to prevent this error:

1. Double-Check Data Entry

One common cause of IRS Error Code 135 is incorrect data entry. To avoid this, carefully review all information before submitting your tax forms. Pay close attention to numbers, names, and other crucial details. Even a small mistake can trigger an error code, so taking the time to double-check your entries can save you from unnecessary headaches.

2. Use Updated Tax Software

Outdated or incompatible tax software can sometimes lead to IRS Error Code 135. To prevent this, make sure you are using the latest version of your tax software, as updates often include bug fixes and improvements. Additionally, ensure that your software is compatible with the IRS’s systems to avoid any compatibility issues that could trigger errors.

3. Review Forms Before Submission

Before submitting your tax forms, carefully review them to ensure accuracy. Check that all required fields are filled out correctly and that there are no missing or invalid entries. It’s also a good idea to review the instructions provided by the IRS to ensure you are following the correct guidelines for each form you are filing. Taking the time to review your forms can help catch any potential errors before they result in an IRS error code.

Preventive Measures for IRS Error Code 135 Benefits
Double-check data entry Minimizes chances of incorrect information triggering the error
Use updated tax software Ensures compatibility and reduces chances of software-related errors
Review forms before submission Verifies accuracy and reduces the risk of missing or invalid entries

By following these preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of encountering IRS Error Code 135. Taking these steps will help ensure a smoother tax filing process and give you peace of mind knowing that your tax return is accurate and error-free.

Troubleshooting IRS Error Code 135

If you encounter IRS Error Code 135, troubleshooting the specific issue can help you overcome the obstacle and proceed with your tax filing. This error code may arise due to various reasons, such as incorrect data entry or software glitches. By following the steps below, you can address the issue and ensure a smooth tax filing process.

Verify the Accuracy of Your Data

The first step in troubleshooting IRS Error Code 135 is to double-check the accuracy of the data you have entered. Mistakes in numbers, names, or social security numbers can trigger this error. Carefully review all the information you have provided, making sure it matches the official documents and records. Correct any discrepancies you find to eliminate this error.

Review Your Form Entries

Another common cause of IRS Error Code 135 is incorrect entries in your tax forms. Take the time to carefully review each field and ensure that you have filled out the forms accurately. Pay close attention to areas that require specific formats or calculations. Correct any mistakes or omissions you identify, and use official guidelines or professional assistance if you need to clarify any instructions.

Seek Professional Assistance

If you have followed the troubleshooting steps above and are still unable to resolve IRS Error Code 135, it may be beneficial to seek professional assistance. Tax experts or certified accountants can provide guidance and support tailored to your specific situation. They have the knowledge and experience to identify and address complex tax filing issues. Additionally, you can reach out to the IRS helpline for expert assistance if needed.

By troubleshooting IRS Error Code 135, you can ensure that your tax filing process proceeds smoothly. Double-checking your data, reviewing your form entries, and seeking professional assistance when necessary will help you overcome this obstacle and successfully file your taxes.

Seeking Professional Assistance

In complex situations or if you are unsure about how to proceed, it is recommended to seek professional assistance from tax experts or contact the IRS helpline. Dealing with IRS Error Code 135 can be a daunting task, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the intricacies of tax regulations and procedures. Professionals who specialize in tax matters can provide valuable guidance and ensure that you navigate through the error resolution process effectively.

When seeking professional assistance, consider reaching out to certified public accountants (CPAs), enrolled agents (EAs), or tax attorneys. These individuals possess in-depth knowledge of tax laws and can provide personalized advice tailored to your specific situation. They can review your tax documents, identify any discrepancies that may have led to the error, and guide you on the necessary steps to resolve IRS Error Code 135.

Alternatively, you can also contact the IRS helpline for expert guidance and support. The IRS employs trained professionals who can address your concerns and provide accurate information on resolving the error. The helpline is accessible via phone and can be a valuable resource for clarifying any doubts or uncertainties you may have.

Remember, seeking professional assistance can help alleviate the stress and confusion associated with IRS Error Code 135. These experts have the knowledge and experience to navigate the complexities of the tax system and can ensure that your tax filing process proceeds smoothly. By consulting with professionals or reaching out to the IRS helpline, you can gain the confidence and reassurance needed to address the error effectively.

Key Takeaways:
Seeking professional assistance is recommended for complex situations or when unsure about how to proceed with resolving IRS Error Code 135.
Certified public accountants (CPAs), enrolled agents (EAs), and tax attorneys can provide personalized advice and guidance.
The IRS helpline is a valuable resource for obtaining expert assistance and clarifying any doubts or uncertainties.


IRS Error Code 135 can be a frustrating obstacle, but with the right knowledge and actions, you can effectively address this error and ensure a successful tax filing experience. Understanding the causes behind this error and following the provided solutions is crucial to resolving it.

By taking proactive measures to prevent IRS Error Code 135 from occurring in the first place, such as carefully entering data, using updated tax software, and reviewing forms before submission, you can minimize the likelihood of encountering this error.

In some cases, however, seeking professional assistance may be necessary. Consulting tax professionals or reaching out to the IRS helpline for expert guidance and support can provide valuable assistance in resolving IRS Error Code 135.

Remember, the key to overcoming IRS Error Code 135 lies in being proactive, diligent, and well-informed. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can navigate this error with confidence and ensure a smooth tax filing process.


What is IRS Error Code 135?

IRS Error Code 135 is a specific error message generated by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) system. It indicates that there is an issue or discrepancy in the tax return information provided.

What are the common causes of IRS Error Code 135?

There are several factors that can trigger IRS Error Code 135. Some common causes include data entry errors, incomplete or incorrect forms, and software glitches.

How can I resolve IRS Error Code 135?

To resolve IRS Error Code 135, you can start by double-checking the accuracy of the information entered in your tax return. Look for any typos or missing data. It is also advisable to review the forms you have filled out to ensure they are correct and complete. If you are unable to identify the issue, consider seeking professional assistance from a tax advisor or contacting the IRS helpline.

How can I prevent IRS Error Code 135?

Preventing IRS Error Code 135 requires careful attention to detail during the tax filing process. Make sure to enter all information accurately and completely, double-check your forms before submission, and use updated tax software to minimize the risk of errors.

Are there any additional troubleshooting tips for IRS Error Code 135?

If you are still experiencing IRS Error Code 135 after following the initial troubleshooting steps, you may need to explore additional options. Consider reviewing the specific error message or code provided by the IRS for further guidance. You can also consult online resources or reach out to a tax professional for assistance.

When should I seek professional assistance for IRS Error Code 135?

It is advisable to seek professional assistance if you are unable to resolve IRS Error Code 135 on your own or if you are uncertain about the steps to take. Tax professionals have expertise in dealing with IRS errors and can provide guidance tailored to your specific situation. Additionally, you can contact the IRS helpline for expert assistance and support.

Is there any conclusion to IRS Error Code 135?

In conclusion, understanding the causes and solutions for IRS Error Code 135 is crucial for a smooth tax filing process. By identifying and rectifying the underlying issues, following the provided solutions, and taking preventive measures, taxpayers can minimize the impact of this error and ensure accurate and timely tax returns.

Pramod is a passionate financial writer with over 5 years of experience in simplifying complex financial concepts and providing unbiased and accurate information to help individuals make informed financial decisions.
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