IRS Error Code 224: Causes and Solutions






Are you encountering IRS Error Code 224? Learn about the causes of this error code and discover effective solutions to fix it.

Key Takeaways:

  • IRS Error Code 224 is an alert, not a rejection, and does not impact the acceptance status of a return with the IRS.
  • The error is caused by electronic filing security changes.
  • To resolve the alert, enter the prior year income for the Federal return in the appropriate section of the electronic file.
  • Specific instructions for entering this information vary depending on the type of return (1041, 1065, 1120, or 1120S).
  • No further action is required for returns that have received this alert, but an amended or superseded return can be filed with the total prior year income amount if desired.

Understanding IRS Error Code 224

To address IRS Error Code 224 effectively, it is crucial to understand its nuances and common challenges that taxpayers face. This error code is a result of recent electronic filing security changes implemented by the IRS, and it does not impact the acceptance status of the return with the IRS. Instead, it serves as an alert, notifying taxpayers that the “‘TotalPriorYearIncomeAmt’ in ‘FilingSecurityInformation’ in the Return Header must have a value.”

To resolve this alert, taxpayers need to enter the prior year income for the Federal return in the appropriate section of the electronic file. However, it’s important to note that the IRS does not specify the exact form and line from the prior year return that they are expecting the income amount to be entered on. Therefore, it is essential to carefully review the instructions provided by the IRS and ensure accurate entry of the total prior year income.

If your return has received this IRS Error Code 224 alert, no further action is required. However, if desired, you can file an amended or superseded return with the total prior year income amount. This will provide additional documentation to the IRS and ensure compliance with their requirements. Below is a table summarizing the key points discussed for better clarity:

Key Points
IRS Error Code 224 Alert, not a rejection
Cause Recent electronic filing security changes
Resolution Enter prior year income in the appropriate section of the electronic file
Instructions Refer to IRS guidelines for entering total prior year income
Amended/Superseded Returns No further action required, but can be filed if desired

Resolving IRS Error Code 224

Ready to resolve IRS Error Code 224? Follow these practical steps to troubleshoot and fix the error, putting your tax returns back on track.

  1. Start by reviewing the electronic filing changes that may have triggered this error code. The IRS Error Code 224 is often a result of recent security updates in the electronic filing system. Ensure that you have entered the prior year income for your federal return in the correct section of the electronic file.
  2. Next, consult the specific instructions for your type of return (1041, 1065, 1120, or 1120S) to ensure that you are entering the prior year income correctly. Pay careful attention to the form and line where the IRS expects this information to be reported, as they do not provide specific guidance on this matter.
  3. If you have received the IRS Error Code 224 alert, it is important to note that it does not impact the acceptance status of your return with the IRS. However, if desired, you can choose to file an amended or superseded return that includes the total prior year income amount to provide the IRS with the requested information.

By following these steps and accurately entering the prior year income for your federal return, you can resolve IRS Error Code 224 and ensure that your tax returns are filed in compliance with IRS requirements. Remember, this error code is an alert rather than a rejection, and no further action is required unless you choose to file an amended or superseded return.

Error Code Cause Solution
IRS Error Code 224 Electronic filing security changes Enter the prior year income for the federal return in the appropriate section of the electronic file

Electronic Filing Changes and IRS Error Code 224

Discover the connection between IRS Error Code 224 and electronic filing security changes, and find effective ways to fix this error. When encountering IRS Error Code 224, it is essential to understand that it is an alert rather than a rejection, and it does not impact the acceptance status of the return with the IRS. This alert is triggered due to recent electronic filing security changes implemented by the IRS.

The resolution for this alert is straightforward. Taxpayers need to enter the prior year income for the Federal return in the appropriate section of the electronic file. However, it is important to note that the IRS does not specify the form and line from the prior year return that they are expecting. Therefore, the specific instructions for entering this information will vary depending on the type of return (1041, 1065, 1120, or 1120S).

No further action is required for returns that have received this alert. However, if desired, taxpayers can choose to file an amended or superseded return with the total prior year income amount. This step ensures compliance with the IRS requirements and provides peace of mind. Remember that the IRS error code 224 is related to the message “‘TotalPriorYearIncomeAmt’ in ‘FilingSecurityInformation’ in the Return Header must have a value.”

Type of Return Instructions for Entering Prior Year Income
1041 Enter the total prior year income in the designated field in the electronic file.
1065 Find the appropriate section for entering prior year income and input the correct amount.
1120 Ensure that the prior year income is accurately recorded in the electronic file.
1120S Follow the instructions provided to insert the total prior year income for the Federal return.

Amended or Superseded Returns for IRS Error Code 224

Unsure if you need to file an amended or superseded return for IRS Error Code 224? Learn about the circumstances that warrant these actions and how to include the total prior year income amount correctly.

When encountering IRS Error Code 224, it is important to understand that it is an alert rather than a rejection. This means that it does not impact the acceptance status of your return with the IRS. The cause of this alert is typically related to recent electronic filing security changes, which necessitate the inclusion of the prior year income for the Federal return in the appropriate section of the electronic file.

It is worth noting that the IRS does not specify the exact form and line from the prior year’s return that they are expecting. To resolve this alert, you need to enter the total prior year income amount correctly. The instructions for entering this information may vary depending on the type of return, whether it is a 1041, 1065, 1120, or 1120S.

If you have received the IRS Error Code 224 alert, no further action is required. However, if you wish to ensure compliance or provide additional information, you have the option to file an amended or superseded return. By doing so, you can include the total prior year income amount as requested by the IRS. This ensures that your tax return is accurate and in line with their requirements.

Type of Return Instructions
1041 Enter the total prior year income amount in the appropriate section of the electronic file, following the guidelines specific to Form 1041.
1065 Include the total prior year income amount according to the instructions provided for Form 1065.
1120 Follow the designated instructions for Form 1120 to input the correct total prior year income amount.
1120S Ensure the proper inclusion of the total prior year income amount by referring to the instructions specific to Form 1120S.


By familiarizing yourself with IRS Error Code 224 and implementing the recommended solutions, you can successfully overcome this challenge and avoid any future issues with your tax returns.

IRS Error Code 224, specifically related to the message “‘TotalPriorYearIncomeAmt’ in ‘FilingSecurityInformation’ in the Return Header must have a value,” is an alert rather than a rejection and does not impact the acceptance status of the return with the IRS. This alert is triggered by electronic filing security changes.

To resolve this alert, it is important to enter the prior year income for the Federal return in the appropriate section of the electronic file. The specific instructions for entering this information may vary depending on the type of return (1041, 1065, 1120, or 1120S).

It’s worth noting that the IRS does not specify the form and line from the prior year return that they are expecting. Therefore, no further action is required for returns that have received this alert. However, if desired, an amended or superseded return can be filed with the total prior year income amount included.


What does IRS Error Code 224 mean?

IRS Error Code 224 is an alert that does not impact the acceptance status of your return with the IRS. It is related to the message “‘TotalPriorYearIncomeAmt’ in ‘FilingSecurityInformation’ in the Return Header must have a value”. It is caused by electronic filing security changes.

Do I need to take any action if I receive IRS Error Code 224?

No further action is required for returns that have received this alert. However, if desired, you can file an amended or superseded return with the total prior year income amount.

How do I resolve IRS Error Code 224?

To resolve IRS Error Code 224, you need to enter the prior year income for the Federal return in the appropriate section of the electronic file. The specific instructions for entering this information vary depending on the type of return (1041, 1065, 1120, or 1120S).

What information does the IRS expect for the prior year income?

The IRS does not specify the form and line from the prior year return that they are expecting. You should enter the total prior year income amount in the appropriate section of the electronic file.

Can I file an amended or superseded return to fix IRS Error Code 224?

Yes, if desired, you can file an amended or superseded return with the correct total prior year income amount as requested by the IRS.

Pramod is a passionate financial writer with over 5 years of experience in simplifying complex financial concepts and providing unbiased and accurate information to help individuals make informed financial decisions.
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