IRS Error Code 337-01: Guidance and Solutions






IRS Error Code 337-01 is a common issue encountered by individuals involved in the Anti-Dumping/Countervailing Duty (AD/CVD) program. Understanding the guidance and solutions for this error code is crucial for resolving tax filing errors.

Key Takeaways

  • IRS Error Code 337-01 is related to the AD/CVD program and signifies errors in the filing and processing of AD/CVD cases.
  • Common causes of IRS Error Code 337-01 include invalid or missing manufacturer codes, incorrect case numbers, mismatched country or tariff numbers, and revoked case numbers.
  • Resolving IRS Error Code 337-01 involves checking and verifying information, ensuring proper formatting, and addressing any discrepancies or issues with AD/CVD cases.
  • The Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) provides specific instructions for resolving each error related to IRS Error Code 337-01.
  • Accurate tax filings are essential in AD/CVD cases to ensure the proper calculation and application of AD/CVD rates and duties.

What is IRS Error Code 337-01?

IRS Error Code 337-01 is directly related to the Anti-Dumping/Countervailing Duty (AD/CVD) program and refers to various errors that can occur during the filing and processing of AD/CVD cases, leading to tax filing errors. The AD/CVD program is designed to protect domestic industries from unfair trade practices by imposing additional duties on imported goods that are sold in the United States at less than fair value or benefit from foreign government subsidies.

These errors can occur due to several reasons, including the use of invalid or missing manufacturer or supplier codes, incorrect case numbers, mismatched country or tariff numbers, revoked case numbers, and other mismatches or inconsistencies. When these errors occur, it can result in incorrect calculations and the misapplication of AD/CVD rates and duties.

AD/CVD Program Overview

The AD/CVD program is overseen by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC). It involves a complex process that requires accurate and detailed information concerning the importation and pricing of goods subject to AD/CVD measures. This information is used to determine whether additional duties should be imposed on these goods to offset the unfair trade practices.

Properly addressing IRS Error Code 337-01 is crucial for individuals involved in AD/CVD cases to ensure compliance with tax laws and regulations. Resolving these errors requires careful attention to detail, thorough verification of information, and adherence to the specific instructions provided in the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) to ensure accurate tax filings and the correct application of AD/CVD rates and duties.

Error Cause Description
Invalid or missing manufacturer or supplier codes Failure to provide accurate codes for the manufacturers or suppliers involved in the AD/CVD cases.
Incorrect case numbers Entering incorrect case numbers related to AD/CVD cases.
Mismatched country or tariff numbers Providing inconsistent or incorrect country codes or tariff numbers in relation to the AD/CVD cases.
Revoked case numbers Using case numbers that have been revoked or are no longer valid for AD/CVD cases.
Other mismatches or inconsistencies Identifying any other errors or discrepancies that may occur during the filing and processing of AD/CVD cases.

Common Causes of IRS Error Code 337-01

IRS Error Code 337-01 can occur due to various common causes, including invalid manufacturer codes, incorrect case numbers, mismatched country or tariff numbers, and revoked case numbers. These errors can lead to discrepancies and inconsistencies in the filing and processing of Anti-Dumping/Countervailing Duty (AD/CVD) cases, resulting in the generation of the error code.

Invalid manufacturer codes are one of the primary causes of IRS Error Code 337-01. When incorrect manufacturer codes are used or missing altogether, the system is unable to identify the correct manufacturer or supplier associated with the AD/CVD case. Similarly, entering incorrect case numbers can trigger the error code, as the system cannot match the provided number with the corresponding case in the database.

Mismatched country or tariff numbers can also lead to IRS Error Code 337-01. In AD/CVD cases, it is essential to accurately identify and specify the country and the corresponding tariff numbers. When there is a mismatch between the country or tariff number provided and the information in the system, the error code is generated. Additionally, revoked case numbers, where the case has been terminated or closed, can trigger the error code.

Error Cause Description
Invalid Manufacturer Codes Use of incorrect or missing manufacturer codes
Incorrect Case Numbers Entry of incorrect case numbers
Mismatched Country or Tariff Numbers Inconsistency between provided country or tariff numbers and system data
Revoked Case Numbers Terminated or closed case numbers

Resolving IRS Error Code 337-01 requires identifying and rectifying these common causes. By ensuring the accuracy and validity of the information provided, individuals can address the errors and prevent the recurrence of the code. Following the relevant sections of the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) for specific instructions, individuals can check and verify the accuracy of the manufacturer codes, case numbers, country, and tariff numbers. Proper formatting and sequencing of the entered data are also crucial to avoid the occurrence of the error code.

By addressing the common causes of IRS Error Code 337-01, individuals can contribute to the accurate calculation and application of Anti-Dumping/Countervailing Duty (AD/CVD) rates and duties, ensuring compliance with the AD/CVD program regulations.

Resolving IRS Error Code 337-01: Step-by-Step Guide

Resolving IRS Error Code 337-01 requires following a step-by-step guide that includes referencing the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) for specific instructions and addressing issues with AD/CVD cases. It is essential to ensure the accuracy and validity of the information provided, as well as proper formatting and sequencing. By following the guide, individuals can identify and resolve any discrepancies or issues related to this error code.

Step 1: Understand the Error

Begin by reviewing the error message associated with IRS Error Code 337-01. This will provide insight into the specific nature of the error and the potential causes. Understanding the error is crucial in helping to identify the correct solution.

Step 2: Consult the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM)

The Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) is a comprehensive guide that provides instructions and procedures for IRS employees. It contains specific sections that address the resolution of IRS Error Code 337-01 and the corresponding AD/CVD cases. Referencing the relevant sections of the IRM will provide step-by-step instructions on how to address the specific error and ensure accurate tax filings.

Step 3: Verify Information and Address Discrepancies

Once you have identified the cause of the error and consulted the IRM, it is essential to verify the information provided. This includes checking for any invalid or missing manufacturer or supplier codes, incorrect case numbers, mismatched country or tariff numbers, revoked case numbers, or other inconsistencies. Addressing these discrepancies promptly and accurately is crucial in resolving IRS Error Code 337-01.

By following this step-by-step guide, individuals can effectively resolve IRS Error Code 337-01. Consulting the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) and systematically addressing any issues with AD/CVD cases will ensure the accurate calculation and application of AD/CVD rates and duties.

Steps to Resolve IRS Error Code 337-01 Summary
Step 1: Understand the Error Review the error message associated with IRS Error Code 337-01 to gain insight into the specific nature of the error.
Step 2: Consult the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) Referencing the relevant sections of the IRM will provide step-by-step instructions on how to address the specific error and ensure accurate tax filings.
Step 3: Verify Information and Address Discrepancies Check for any invalid or missing codes, incorrect numbers, or other inconsistencies, and promptly address them to resolve the error.

Importance of Accuracy in AD/CVD Cases

Accuracy is of utmost importance when dealing with Anti-Dumping/Countervailing Duty (AD/CVD) cases, as resolving IRS Error Code 337-01 guarantees the precise calculation and application of AD/CVD rates and duties. Errors in the filing and processing of AD/CVD cases, such as invalid manufacturer or supplier codes, incorrect case numbers, mismatched country or tariff numbers, and revoked case numbers, can have significant implications on tax filings. It is crucial to understand and address these errors to ensure the accurate determination of duties and compliance with the AD/CVD program regulations.

To achieve accuracy in AD/CVD cases, it is essential to closely follow the instructions provided in the relevant sections of the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM). These instructions outline the steps to resolve specific errors and ensure the proper formatting and sequencing of information. By carefully checking and verifying the accuracy and validity of the information provided, individuals can identify and correct any discrepancies or issues with the cases, mitigating the risk of errors in the calculation and application of AD/CVD rates and duties.

Examples of Important AD/CVD Information:

Information Description
Manufacturer Code The code assigned to a specific manufacturer or supplier involved in the AD/CVD case.
Case Number The unique identifier assigned to an AD/CVD case.
Country or Tariff Number The correct identification of the country of origin or the tariff number associated with the imported goods.
Revoked Case Number A case number that has been invalidated or canceled.

By ensuring the accuracy of these important AD/CVD information elements, individuals can maintain compliance with the AD/CVD program and avoid errors that may trigger IRS Error Code 337-01. Timely and accurate resolution of this error code can minimize the risk of tax filing discrepancies and ensure the proper application of AD/CVD rates and duties.

Troubleshooting Other IRS Error Codes

In addition to IRS Error Code 337-01, there are other common IRS error codes that individuals may encounter during tax filings, necessitating troubleshooting and problem resolution. These error codes can range from simple formatting mistakes to more complex issues related to deductions, credits, or income reporting. It is crucial to understand and address these errors promptly to avoid penalties and ensure accurate tax filings.

Common IRS Error Codes

Here are some common IRS error codes that taxpayers may come across:

  • Error Code 001: Incomplete or missing taxpayer identification number (TIN).
  • Error Code 050: Incorrect filing status selected.
  • Error Code 062: Invalid or missing Social Security Number (SSN) for dependents.
  • Error Code 109: Mismatch between reported income and IRS records.
  • Error Code 131: Incorrect or missing payment information.
  • Error Code 183: Discrepancies in education-related credits or deductions.

Troubleshooting and Resolution

To troubleshoot these error codes, taxpayers should carefully review their tax return for any inaccuracies or omissions. It is essential to double-check all personal information, including names, social security numbers, and filing status. Additionally, verifying income and deduction amounts against official records can help identify and correct any discrepancies.

If a specific error code requires further assistance, taxpayers should refer to the official IRS resources, such as tax publications and instructions, or reach out to qualified tax professionals for guidance. In some cases, taxpayers may need to file an amended return to rectify the errors or provide additional documentation to support their claims.

Error Code Description Resolution
001 Incomplete or missing TIN. Provide the correct TIN or ensure all necessary information is included.
050 Incorrect filing status selected. Select the appropriate filing status based on your circumstances.
062 Invalid or missing SSN for dependents. Provide the correct and valid SSN for all dependents claimed.
109 Mismatch between reported income and IRS records. Review and reconcile income amounts with relevant tax documents.
131 Incorrect or missing payment information. Ensure payment information is accurate and included in the return.
183 Discrepancies in education-related credits or deductions. Ensure accurate reporting of education-related expenses and credits.

Seeking IRS Error Code Assistance

When faced with IRS error codes and tax filing errors, individuals can seek assistance from tax professionals or utilize IRS resources for resolving issues such as IRS audit errors and other tax-related errors. It is crucial to address these errors promptly to ensure accurate tax filings and avoid potential penalties or legal consequences.

Tax professionals, such as certified public accountants (CPAs) or enrolled agents (EAs), can provide expert guidance and assistance in navigating IRS error codes. They have in-depth knowledge of tax laws and regulations, as well as experience in dealing with various tax-related issues. Consulting with a tax professional can help individuals understand the specific error code they are facing, identify the root cause of the error, and develop a comprehensive plan to resolve it.

In addition to seeking professional assistance, individuals can also utilize the resources provided by the IRS. The IRS website offers a wealth of information and tools to help taxpayers resolve common tax filing errors. The “Help & Resources” section of the IRS website provides access to publications, forms, and instructional videos that can assist in understanding and resolving IRS error codes.

Furthermore, the IRS has a dedicated helpline for tax-related inquiries. By calling the IRS helpline, individuals can speak to a representative who can provide guidance and assistance in resolving specific error codes or other tax-related issues. It is important to have all relevant information and documentation ready when contacting the IRS helpline to ensure a smooth and efficient resolution process.

Table: Resources for Resolving IRS Error Codes

Resource Description
Tax Professionals Certified public accountants (CPAs) or enrolled agents (EAs) can provide expert guidance and assistance in resolving IRS error codes and other tax-related issues.
IRS Website The IRS website offers a variety of resources, including publications, forms, and instructional videos, to help individuals understand and resolve common tax filing errors.
IRS Helpline The IRS helpline provides direct access to representatives who can provide guidance and assistance in resolving specific error codes or other tax-related issues.


Resolving IRS Error Code 337-01 is crucial for accurate tax filings and effective problem resolution, ensuring individuals can navigate tax filing errors with confidence. This error code is related to the Anti-Dumping/Countervailing Duty (AD/CVD) program and occurs when various errors occur in the filing and processing of AD/CVD cases. These errors can include invalid or missing manufacturer or supplier codes, incorrect case numbers, mismatched country or tariff numbers, revoked case numbers, and other mismatches or inconsistencies.

The guidance and solutions for these errors involve checking and verifying the accuracy and validity of the information provided. It is important to ensure proper formatting and sequencing of the data and to identify and resolve any discrepancies or issues with the cases. The specific instructions for resolving each error can be found in the relevant sections of the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM), which provides step-by-step guidance to address these tax filing errors.

By resolving IRS Error Code 337-01, individuals can ensure the accurate calculation and application of AD/CVD rates and duties. This is crucial for maintaining compliance with tax regulations and avoiding potential penalties or audits. Seeking assistance from tax professionals or utilizing IRS resources can also be beneficial for addressing other IRS error codes or resolving tax errors.

In conclusion, understanding and resolving IRS Error Code 337-01 is essential for individuals who want to navigate tax filing errors successfully. By following the necessary guidance and solutions, individuals can ensure accurate tax filings, resolve any issues with AD/CVD cases, and achieve effective problem resolution. Taking the time to address these errors will ultimately result in a smoother tax filing process and increased confidence in one’s financial compliance.


What is IRS Error Code 337-01?

IRS Error Code 337-01 is related to the Anti-Dumping/Countervailing Duty (AD/CVD) program. It refers to various errors that occur in the filing and processing of AD/CVD cases.

What are the common causes of IRS Error Code 337-01?

Common causes of IRS Error Code 337-01 include invalid or missing manufacturer or supplier codes, incorrect case numbers, mismatched country or tariff numbers, revoked case numbers, and other mismatches or inconsistencies.

How can I resolve IRS Error Code 337-01?

To resolve IRS Error Code 337-01, you can refer to the relevant sections of the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) for specific instructions. It is important to check and verify the accuracy and validity of the information provided, ensure proper formatting and sequencing, and identify and resolve any discrepancies or issues with the AD/CVD cases.

Why is accuracy important in AD/CVD cases?

Accuracy is crucial in AD/CVD cases to ensure the correct calculation and application of AD/CVD rates and duties. Resolving IRS Error Code 337-01 helps maintain the integrity of the tax filing system and promotes fair trade practices.

Are there other IRS error codes I should be aware of?

Yes, there are other common IRS error codes related to tax filing errors. It is important to understand these codes and seek appropriate solutions to ensure accurate tax filings.

Where can I find assistance for IRS error codes?

If you need assistance with IRS error codes or tax filing errors, you can consult with tax professionals or utilize IRS resources. These resources can help address issues such as IRS audit errors and resolving tax errors.

Pramod is a passionate financial writer with over 5 years of experience in simplifying complex financial concepts and providing unbiased and accurate information to help individuals make informed financial decisions.
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